Friday, October 16, 2009

Oh how stubborn Sarah is

I have been trying with her. I really have. But she doesn't really take in anything I say. She has an audition tomorrow. A DANCE audition. Do you think they want a girl like her? Oh no. They'll want the girl with the same (or even lesser) talent who looks the part better. But still Sarah doesn't listen to me. Stupid girl. If she won't follow my diet plan than at least she should follow Ed's exercise plan. Yes, it is extreme. But thats what she needs. Lets send her to the gym. Lock her in for hours. I want to see abs in under a month. I will except nothing less. If she fails in this, well, she fails. You don't want to see my plans for her. So she has until November 16th to lose.... lets say... 20 pounds. More shall be rewarded. Less... is UNACCEPTABLE

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hints from Ana

Hi again everyone!!! Just thought I'd give some of my new friends hints on how to keep healthy. (See, I''m not a horrible person!)

When you throw up, don't use your finger. Especially if you have long nails. You will end up tearing into the back of your throat and ruining your nails as well. Use something like a toothbrush instead. And of course, make sure that it has a nice rounded end instead of the squared off kind, seeing as the corners will cut your throat.

After you have thrown up, DON'T  brush your teeth. Now I know that the taste in your mouth is not a pleasant one, but trust me on this one. Brushing your teeth grounds all the acids into your teeth and causes them to break down and decay. Instead drink lots of water to rinse the acid off and if the flavor is too much, try chewing gum or having a few mints. (make sure that they are sugar free)

Sugar free gum is also a great way to alleviate those hunger pains. Chewing tricks your mind into thinking that you are eating and  as long as it is sugar free, at most you are only consuming about 5 calories

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Change in power

Hi everyone! This is Ana. Sarah isn't allowed to talk to anyone anymore. We put her in control for awhile, but you all see how that crashed and burned. Its like she never heard anything that me and Ed tried telling her. She should have listened. But she didn't and now she has lost the most important part of her life. But that's ok. Me and my daddy Ed are going to make it all better. We have completely taken over the weak little creature you know as Sarah. Tell her goodbye now. She won't be out to play for a very long time, that is if we ever let her back out. Why should we? She is irresponsible. Can't handle the most simple of things. She needs us here to take care of her. Put her back where she needs to be. She will smile again with my help. She will be beautiful again with my help. And most importantly of all, she we will be wanted again now that I am the one in charge again.

To those of you who know me, I am sure you don't like me. But I don't care. Sarah left me in charge. You can't change that. So don't you dare try to change things or get in my way. The only person you will be hurting is Sarah. And I don't think anyone wants that.